Setting up the All-In-One Calendar

Before you get started with the calendar there are a few setups that must be done.  We will list them here preferable in the order that they should be done.  Note: This lesson assumes that you know how to download and install plugins, and make any required changes using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

  1. Go into Plugins and click on “Add New”.
  2. Search for All-in-One-Calendar.
  3. When found “Click on Install Now”.
  4. Click on Activate.

Now that the calendar plugin has been installed, you will need to find  the folder called “themes-ai1ec” in the plugin.  You will find this folder in “<website>/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/public”.  Copy this folder, in its entirety to “wp-content”.  When done the directory structure should be similar to the following:


The folder “themes-ai1ec” contains the themes that you will be working with. As a default, these are; gamma, plana, umbra, vortex. vortex is the default when first setting up the calendar.

If you anticipate making changes ,CSS or otherwise, it is suggested that first create a Child Theme and then make the changes in the child theme.  To create a child theme, in the folder “themes-ai1ec” make a copy of the folder “gamma” and rename it to something else.  I use “child theme” so I know that it is what it is. Inside this folder create a new folder called “css”.  Inside the css folder create a new file called “override.css” and put your css changes here.  

(Note: Before your css changes become visible you will need to force a recompilation of the theme. We will get into that in a later lesson.)

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